ScreenLine® Products 

All the ScreenLine products are intended to be placed into the insulating double and triple glass.

The control by rotational magnet or motor ensures perfect hermetic seal of glass.

In contrast to interior blinds our blinds can regulate not only the light but also the transit of thermal radiation through the glass.

Summary table of ScreenLine products.


1. Venetian blinds:

SL22C venetian blinds - manual control or external motor

                                     - max. dimensions w 2000 x h 2500 mm

                                     - area of the raising and lowering function max. 3.5 m2

                                        (for tilt only function max. 5m2)

                                     - is manufactured and supplied with "Warm Edge" spacer bar

                                        as standard. More information here.


SL27C venetian blinds (SL32C) - manual control or external motor

                                    - max. dimensions w 3000 x h 3000 mm

                                    - area of the raising and lowering function max. 6m2

                                        (for tilt only function max. 9m2)

SL20P venetian blinds - manual control, max. dimensions w 2000 x h 2500 mm

                                    - max. area 2.2 m2

                                    - only tilting function

SL24P venetian blinds - manual control, max. dimensions w 3000 v 3000 mm

                                    - max. area 3.0 m2

SL22M venetian blinds - control by internal motor, max. dimensions w 2000 x 2500 mm

                                     - max area 3.5 m2  

                                     - raising, lowering and tilting function

SL27M venetian blinds (SL32M) - control by internal motor,

                                                  - max. dimensions w 3000 x 3000 mm

                                                  - max. area 5.25 m2 (for tilt only function max. 9m2)

                                                  - raising, lowering and tilting function


2. Pleated:

SL22C pleated - manual control or external motor

                        - max. dimensions w 1500 x 2500 mm

                        - max. area 3.75 m2 

SL27C pleated - manual control or external motor

                        - max. dimensions w 2200 x 2500 mm

                        - max. area 4.6 m2

SL22M pleated - control by internal motor

                        - max. dimensions w 1500 x 2500 mm

                        - max. area 3.75 m2

SL27M pleated - control by internal motor

                        - max. dimensions w 2200 x 2500 mm

                        - max. area 5.5 m2


3. Roller:

SL27C roller - manual control or external motor

                     - max. dimensions w 1200 x 2300 mm

                     - max. area 2.5 m2

SL27M roller - control by internal motor

                     - max. dimensions w 1200 x 2200 mm

                     - max. area 2.5 m2



4. Roller DUETTE:

SL27C duette - manual control or external motor

                      - max. dimensions w 2500 x 3000 mm

                      - max. area 5.0 m2