ScreenGlass® triple glazing with integral blinds ScreenLine®



New external motor SL2190

is able to operate Venetian blinds, roller blinds or plissé controled by rotating magnet through the glass. A secure solution for easy replacement of the engine in case of failure. The motor is mounted on the glass from the interior of the room. For systems SL20C, SL22C, SL27C and SL32C.



Introduction of concern Pellini SpA

ScreenLine, Nautica, Pellini - brands of Pellini SpA



Inserting blind SL27C in insulating glass

SL27C - control by rotating magnets manually or by external motor 24V - motor is not inside the insulating glass)


Inserting blind SL22M in insulating glass

SL22M - control by internal motor 24V (motor is inside the insulating glass)




Installing insulating glass in the window frame.



TV Nova - "Loskuták" (TV program)

System SL22C - manual control via rotating magnet.